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Writer Walter Chaw 周瑜
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Whod she bang for this role. Not very attractive for a movie role. Patrons are awesome, and are one of the coolest parts of playing a Warlock. As a DM, I think it’s important to have a unique, specific goal that the patron is trying to achieve in making a pact--one that the Warlock may or may not buy into. Not only does this make your Fiendlock different from every other cultist to Asmodeus, but it gives you a clearer sense of factions and plotlines in your game world. On the other hand, why should Warlocks get all the fun? The idea of a “patron”--a powerful NPC that makes a deal with player characters--is far more broadly applicable than the sheer mechanics of “cast Eldritch Blast” and “have invocations. ” A patron/PC relationship can be added to the mechanics of any class to give it a unique flavor and bring new factions into your game. With that in mind, here are some specific patrons for various pacts, as well as ideas for integrating them for warlocks and non-warlock alike. FIEND Ordenzamor, the Endless Hunger ”Come a little closer, mortal, so that we may speak properly. I promise you: I don’t bite. ” Chained to the bottom of a pit, bone-thin and red-eyed, this snarling demon seeks only to devour--and wants to find a mortal willing to help. A clever, vicious glabrezu who was once a prized fighter of Demagorgon, Ordenzamor enjoyed the game of being summoned to the Material Realm and tricking or murdering those foolish enough to summon him. This continued for centuries until he was summoned by a mysterious archmage, more powerful than any he had met before. Instead of using him or freeing him, however, she merely imprisoned him within her tower with high-level magic. She came every few days to question him about the Abyss, then every few weeks. And then, abruptly, she never returned. The rest of the tower fell into decay over centuries, but Ordenzamor survived due to his high constitution. All that time he has hungered, his clever mind trapped in a starving body. When adventurers come across him, he seeks to devour souls and may attack them on sight--but if they survive, he is still lucid enough to see the value in making pacts. Pact of the Blade: Ordenzamor himself infuses the blade, consuming the souls of his victims. No matter the form, the blade never tarnishes, and the blood of its victims seems to be sucked into the metal itself. Pact of the Tome: Offerings can be made to the book itself; when Ordenzamor wishes to communicate with the Warlock, a toothy maw appears on one of the pages and speaks. Pact of the Chain: A lesser servant of Ordenzamor joins the warlock, constantly hungering. Anything this familiar consumes is sent directly to Ordenzamor's own stomach. Other possible classes: anyone who might be tempted into making a pact to obtain a powerful magic weapon at a price. No Warlock levels required. Mydianchlarus, the Record Keeper ”Your assignment begins tomorrow. If you have any concerns or comments, feel free to address them to Mortal Resources and allow five to six business years for processing. It’s a pleasure to have you aboard. ” Mydianchlarus is an ultroloth, the ultimate bookkeeper of the Lower Planes. Maintaining a plane-spanning mercenary company, Mydianchlarus' men can be sold to the highest bidder. Warlocks of Mydianchlarus gain their knowledge and power according to a strict payout system; perform the jobs that the company tasks you with, and eventually you receive payment in the form of new spells and abilities. Refuse, or do the job poorly, and you are no longer allowed to take a Warlock level until your situation has been rectified. Warlocks of Mydianchlarus rarely report to him directly; instead, they deal with lower yugoloths in the HR and contractor-handling departments. Pact of the Tome: A strict ledger in which the warlock lists expenses and tasks completed, and through which instructions are received in clear, unambiguous language. Pact of the Blade: A standard, unassuming weapon appears in hand. Each time the warlock summons a weapon, it appears slightly different--two longswords might have different hilts, styles, ages, or length of blade, and different serial numbers on the bottom. Every time, they’re actually requisitioning a different one from the company’s armory. Pact of the Chain: A lesser entity of the Mydianchlarus' organization is sent to monitor the warlock's progress, either as part of a probationary period or random performance reviews. GREAT OLD ONE Caiphon, The Dream Whisperer, That Which Calls from the Stars ”Our reports indicate similar images from independent sources around the nation. A violet star, whispers beneath their consciousness. Promises of wealth, power, knowledge in return for finding these ‘seeds. ’ So far, nobody has died or suffered from reporting these dreams. But we’re not as worried about those who came to us with their concerns. What I fear most is the people who listened. ” -Watchmaster General’s Report, 743 ABG, addressed to the Ars Arcanum of Eramor. Letter discarded before arrival. Nobody has ever seen Caiphon up close; the closest they get is seeing a purple star in the skies of their dreams as they stand out on an open field. Should a warlock gain enough knowledge to actually be worthy of Caiphon's attention, their dreams shift to the purple planet itself; a place of infinite pain, an endless sea of violet gelatin that clings to their feet like quicksand. Horrid creatures and objects of all types rise out of the mush, each screaming its own tune in an endless cacophony. These sounds make up Caiphon's voice, which resonates through the entire planet when you're on its body. When Caiphon wishes to speak more directly, the warlock is brought into a war zone between these strange creatures, with random people and animals stopping to deliver commands before returning to their endless carnage. What does Caiphon want? It whispers in the dreams of many at once, seeming to demand penance or sacrifice. Those that are swayed by the promises of blood and strength perform rituals and are often rewarded with purple seeds to spread across the world. Those who refuse are hunted down and corrupted by the purple goo, becoming part of Caiphon’s growing body on the planet. Caiphon seeks to extend its reach to all the planes in existence, gradually corrupting them all with its purple seeds. All minds and memories belong to Caiphon, in the end. Pact of the Tome: A dream journal--that is, a journal that appears even in the warlock’s dreams, containing images and sensations from Caiphon. Pact of the Blade: A twisted weapon that seems to glisten with a purple sheen. When it strikes a critical hit, a distant scream can be heard. Pact of the Chain: A tiny creature corrupted by Caiphon’s slimy essence is committed to the warlock’s goals. When it reforms, slime twists up from the ground to create its body. Other possible classes: Anyone. My take on Caiphon originally came from wanting to play a bog-standard farm-boy Champion Fighter with the WEIRDEST horror-mystery plotline. Good for anyone who just wants to get strange. Acamar, The Endless Eternal, That Which Came Before "If you're reading this, then it means you're here for a reason. Our Lord’s endless designs have brought you to this place, and my death will have been vindicated after all. Note these words carefully then destroy this stone. 7134 Eramor Kingsway. Rusted blade. Homecoming. Falling crown. Traveling Cloak. Rajan Suul. Seek the leaping crow. “ -Scrawled in blood deep within an underground cave long since overrun by ankhegs. Introduction translated from an archaic form of Dwarvish, popular about seven hundred years ago. Code words written in modern Common. Nobody knows where Acamar came from or why; some say it was the god before the gods, while others knew it as the elemental chaos itself. Either way, Acamar's arcane foresight was second to none; it could see thousands of years into the future, setting in motion plans that would not come to fruition for centuries. Through this, it evaded destruction from other entities. Eventually, it took all the might of every god in the pantheon to overcome Acamar's powers and slay it once and for all, eradicating it from the world. But this, too, was foreseen. Thousands of years later, the chain of events set into motion by Acamar's foresight still continues. Warlocks find hidden tomes of knowledge at precisely the moment where they are most vulnerable, and continue along the path. While it is said that Acamar can be wrong on a small, day-to-day scale, nobody has yet been able to prove so definitively. Warlocks continue to find obscure spells and knowledge in seemingly random locations--written in claw marks on a stone wall, a piece of parchment in a long-lost scroll case, within the bowels of a slain beast--indicating that they are still part of Acamar's designs. Acamar cannot be killed, because it is already dead. Its plans--to be returned to life and consume the world--seem as inevitable as entropy itself, but players might find themselves facing off and trying to break the cycle. Pact of the Tome: A seemingly random book from a local library, with bits and pieces scribbled upon it from ages past, prophecies that only become apparent in hindsight. As the PCs progress, more pages are found in the same style around the world, and can be bound into the book. Pact of the Chain: Ancient knowledge has provided the warlock with a forbidden manner of casting Find Familiar; their spirit is one that has not been awoken in centuries, but may be just as clueless about Acamar’s goals as anybody else. Other possible classes: Divination Wizard, Aberrant Mind Sorcerer, anything Psionic. Really, anybody who wants an explanation for “learning” new class features can use Acamar. ARCHFEY This, perhaps, is where pacts should absolutely go beyond mere Warlocks. Several classes have a ton of Feywild flavor; Glamour Bards, Dreams Druid, Wild Soul Barbarians, Oath of Ancients Paladins, Eldritch Knights and Enchantment Wizards to name but a few. Roselie, Lady of Gardens ”It was impossible not to fall in love with her. Straw-colored curls fell down to frame an impossible delicate face, with eyes bluer than a midday stream that seemed to pierce into your very soul. Where she walked, grass grew beneath her feet. Where she drew her fingers, flowers blossomed. Birds chirped and honeybees buzzed, and I knew at any moment she could say the word and every creature in her garden could eat me alive. ” Roselie is an Archfey of the Summer Court, representing growth and nature and freedom above all. Though sweet and kind as summer, she understands little about the mortal world. She seeks, above all else, to share the seeds of her garden with the world and to receive new plants from all over. Her warlocks tend to be in tune with nature and admirers of natural beauty--others are desperately in love with her, and hope to win her affection by showing her the greatest beauty that the Prime Material has to offer. Pact of the Tome: A book in which the PC can press flowers and other plants they come across in their travels, and document the life they see. Pact of the Blade: A scythe, kukri, or shears. To grow, some limbs must be pruned. Pact of the Chain: A ditzy fey familiar joins the PC, fascinated by every aspect of the Material Plane and liable to get them in trouble. See: Toot-toot from the Dresden Files. Other possible classes: Druids and Nature Clerics come to mind, as well as nature-themed Fighters or Rangers. Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness, Mistress of the Winter Court “I only ventured once into the Court of the Unseelie, to meet with the Queen herself. I knelt before her, shivering despite my cloak, begging for power as the beautiful bone-white fey watched me in their ball gowns and suits. She ordered me to stand and face her, and I did. It is impossible to do her appearance justice. I wanted to grab her and take her right there, but I also wanted to run screaming and cover my neck. She was delicate as a sculpture of ice, and forceful as a raging blizzard. I accepted her power and now serve her will, but I will never go back. Not because I’m afraid of dying, but because I’m afraid I might never leave. ” Where the Summer Court represents the playful, wild side of the Fey, the Winter Court marks the other half of nature: predation and survival. As Mistress of the Winter Court, Mab is as beautiful as she as deadly, with porcelain, snow-white skin and coal-black eyes. She demands service to the Court and a loyalty to the ideals of Winter. The Winter Knight takes many forms, but Mab expects strength above all. Pact of the Tome: A spellbook written entirely in Sylvan, this book is always icy-cold to the touch. Pact of the Blade: Winterbrand, a blade made entirely of exquisitely-carved ice. Pact of the Chain: A small spirit of the Winter Court joins as the Warlock’s vassal. Consider taking the Tomb of Levistus invocation. Alternatively, consider using Mab as a Hexblade patron, reflavoring the Hexblade’s Curse as an icy hex. Cone of Cold and Shield fit right in, as well. Taryn Eversong, Knight of the Silver Lyre ”It has been thirty-four years since I visited the satyr in the Wyldlands of the Fey, seeking skills beyond mortal limits. And though I play and play and play, I can still hear his song, rumbling in my chest like an old friend. ” A gorgeous, shirtless satyr of the Wyldfae who always strums a glimmering lyre, Taryn is known as one of the greatest artists in all the realms. Singer, musicians, poets and artists seeking beauty in the Feywild often petition him to enhance their skills, and he is more than happy to oblige. He delights in patronizing artists and seeing their reputations grow, using their power and renown in his own attempts to secure a high position in one of the Fae Courts. Pact of the Tome: A songbook full of Taryn's greatest hits, covered in scores of music and half-finished lyrics for the PC to toy around with. Pact of the Blade: A curved, silver blade that doubles as a tuning fork; it hums a pure tone as it swings, and breaks out into a gorgeous harmony upon striking with a critical hit. Pact of the Chain: A tiny fey backup singer joins your party. Enough said. Other possible classes: I mean, Bards. Every kind of Bard. Glamour Bard, specifically, but every kind of Bard. CELESTIAL I don’t have specific ideas for pacts for these guys. But they’re still damn fun. Adiel, the Gambler ”If I’m being honest, I’ve had about enough of devotees singing praises to Bahamut. I mean, we get it. Honor. Law. Striking down evil wherever it is found. Here’s the tricky bit: every evil worth striking is perceptive enough to see those guys coming. That’s why I chose you. ” Among all the other angels, Adiel is singled out as being a bit of a daredevil. The others are Lawful Good to a fault, seeking those who can spread their message of peace and goodness though worship of deities. Adiel has spent time on the mortal world, however, and knows firsthand that things are more complicated. As a result, he has struck a deal with the PC whom he knows to be flawed, and sometimes willing to walk the riskiest path--more important, someone who does not loudly worship the ideals of his god. He has taken a gamble on you to achieve some purpose, and can only hope that his warlock follows through. Adiel appears as an impossibly handsome, winged, dark-skinned man in white robes. By his nature, he can only have limited interaction with his chosen mortal so as to avoid drawing attention to them--both from his god and from others. As a result, he tends to communicate in short bursts during dreams, guiding the path but never outright sharing his goals with anybody. Sparklefoot, the Unicorn of Redemption ”Oh, man, looks like you're in a tight spot. Those knots around your wrist are top-notch. These thugs aren’t messing around, huh? I'd tell them where the contraband is, if you want to live. What do you mean the boss didn't tell you? That's not--ouch, yeah, that looked like it hurt. Good thing you don't need your pinkie, right? At least, that's what you told poor old Mrs. Broadwell when you were shaking her down for fifteen silver last week. Oh, they're jumping right to kneecaps. I’ve got good and bad news. Bad news, they're starting to believe you don't know where the shipment went. Good news, the constables will be here in about ten minutes to pick up your corpse. ”Now, maybe I can help with that. How's about we make a deal? " A glorious unicorn that leaves rainbows in its wake, Sparklefoot seeks evildoers in their darkest moments. She makes a deal with them right before death, strongarming them into accepting the path of righteousness in exchange for magical powers. Some of these criminals and lowlives accept, and are subsequently indebted to Sparklefoot, who commands them to do good and heal. Warlocks of Sparklefoot find themselves adhering to tenets of healing and honesty despite their natural inclinations. Additionally, once every year the warlock must attend to a specific quest from Sparklefoot without question. Over time, these warlocks might find themselves beginning to see Sparklefoot’s way of approaching the world. Others rebuke the gifts given, only to realize that Sparklefoot has more leverage on them than they might think. Thanks for reading, and I hope this can be helpful for your own games! If you liked this, you may enjoy some of my other work: Philosophy/Theory of Conjuration | Illusion | Enchantment Alternative Afterlife The Draconic Pantheon The Order of Tarnished Silver Magehaven, the City of Refuge Detritus: The Plane of Refuse.

Hey, you should listen to the acoustic version of Angeldust I posted.

One of Jim Jeffries really good bits is a true story like this. Should be entertaining

Watch Stream Blood on Her named. Book 1 of The HEL Jumper [f]: [p]: ----- [Previous] [p] | [First] [f] | [Patreon] y Thanks to Tulip, Big_Papa_Dakky, Mr_Polygon, txgunman65, Darth Android, Mamish, Vikairious, Sam Berry, ClarityAndVision, RedHawkdude, KillTech, LilLaussa, Daddy Talon, Gruecifer, and 33 others currently supporting me on patreon. ----- "Well now I feel a tad improper, I must say, " Lachlan commented, looking around Alice's barren lodgings. The spunky scientist waved him off, bending over to access her tablet, still stashed away in her pack. The Marine could not help but realize that Alice had quite the perky posterior, evidenced by the fact that he could make out its contours at all in spite of the jumpsuit. He turned away with a blush as Alice began making a couple of notes, either oblivious to or uncaring about the situation. "Lachlan, it's fine. You heard the Admiral. He'll get us what we need and I could head up to the Event Horizon for a shower literally every day if I wanted to. But enough about my place. Utilitarian is the only thing to describe it and that’s really what I need most, minus those luxurious furs of course. What's the deal with your host? Everything alright over there? What was her name again? " "Sentaura, " Lachlan replied flatly, recalling his brief conversation with the woman he now knew to be a widow. Alice picked up on his discomfort easily. "Hey Mac, what happened? " She asked, leaning against the wall just to his side. "I want ya to do some math with me, " Lachlan replied. Alice cocked a slim brow at him. "I…alright? " "Sentaura, she told me about her husband, " he began heavily. "Said he first attempted to court her at seventeen. She said yes a year later. Sounds like they've got some time set aside for it or something, don' really know myself. " Alice's eyes lit up momentarily, but the dour look on the Marine's face kept her quiet. "She had that cute little tyke a year after that, so call it nineteen? " He reasoned with a curt gesture of his fingers. The space between his brows was furrowed in displeasure. "That little boy can't be older than four. " "Mac…" "She's a widow at twenty three…twenty five at the latest, " the Marine spat, shaking his head. "I ain't no father, Alice. " "So that was it then? Even with how friendly they’ve been it seemed pretty forward, " Alice realized, gears turning and motivations clicking in her head. He nodded curtly. "It's not like she was hidin' it, Alice. She straight up an' told me. " "I'm sorry, Mac. Do you want to move? " Alice offered sympathetically. "We just got here. I'm sure that it wouldn't be a huge deal if we just explained to Antoth or…somebody. They seem willing to accommodate reasonable requests. " "Where I live ain't gonna change the fact that kid's dad went into that forest and ne'er came back…" he said darkly. "How the hell can I say no to a small bundle of fluff like him? " To his great surprise, Alice smiled in the waning light of pre-dusk. "You are really similar to my brother in some ways. Thankfully not others though! " She added quickly, punching him lightly on the armored shoulder. "When he sees a problem he wants it done and dusted, solved. " Alice adopted a serious tone as she continued. "Mac, no one's asking you to be that young one's father, or Sentaura's husband. Just do what you can and what you're comfortable with. Ok? We're here to help them, sure, but you don't owe them anything. " "Easier said than done, lass. " "Then just be you, " Alice insisted with finality. "And stop dwelling on it. Look around at them. Look at their men and women. They aren't so different from us in many ways, least as far as I can tell from a few interactions. Young boys need men to emulate. It's true for humans; stands to reason it's true here as well. They're sexually dimorphic, show many of the same cultural norms around gender roles, and-" "Alright, alright Alice! I gotcha, " Lachlan insisted, a smile growing under his moustache. "Yer right, of course. Just didn't seem fair…" "No, no it doesn't, " Alice agreed somberly, recalling what Kaha had told her about Veera. "Come on, I can barely see in here. Let's wait outside, show the locals we're interested in being a part of the village and aren't here to cause a ruckus. " "As ya say, Alice. You're the brains of this operation. " "Oh hush you; you're in Beta too, " Alice laughed, channeling her best Yvonne as they exited the small home into the street. Leaning back casually against the wooden wall, they had a view of the eastern gatehouse and much of the side road that Alice's blockhouse sat on. On the other side of the main thoroughfare to her left, she saw Thantis emerge from his temple briefly to light the torches that flanked the doorway. She called out in greeting, and he waved politely in reply before retreating back inside. Alice made a mental note to skim through Io's logs for an explanation of the diamond symbol on the door. "Howdy, " Mac nodded to a passing farmer and his wife who were returning from the fields after a day of labor. His salutation earned him a cautious glance and a wave of her feathers mandated by public decorum. Alice was bent over in stitches. "Howdy?! " She exclaimed, trying and failing to replicate the cowboy greeting in a Scottish accent. "And did you just try to tip your helmet? " "Look, I'm feelin' a bit like we've been dropped into the wild west, alright? Can't a man from Europe love a classic genre? " "Alright, I admit you have good taste. And fair enough. You're not far off, " Alice agreed, looking behind them at the palisade. "Almost impossible to imagine, isn't it? The idea of civilization ending just beyond your walls, being able to see from one end of your entire life to the other? " "I thought we were tryin' ta be cheery, lass, " MacGregor chuckled ruefully. "Ok, how's this then you spoilsport? I have a sister-in-law! She is jacked and fluffy and has my baby brother wrapped around her claws and talons in a way I could never even imagine. I mean, Mac! " "What? " He demanded, glancing over with a look on his face that made it clear he was humoring her because they were friends. Alice dropped the humor. "Do you have any idea how improbable and significant it is that that whole thing happened? " Alice asked quietly. "Might have a bit of one. But hey, you can ask 'em yourself! " He replied, nodding to their right where Veera and Russell had just come into view on the outer road. Lachlan and Alice waved them over, with Veera picking up exactly where she'd left off. "Selah Alice! I do hope you're well. Did you sleep alright? Is your home suitable? Has anyone mistreated you? " The Cauthan asked in rapid fire, all the while hugging Alice to her, making sure to stroke as much of the human’s back as she could with her tail while her feathers worked on Alice’s sides and front. "I woah woah! Teehee, that tickles- Veera! Russell, why are you just standing there?! " Alice demanded in a high pitched squeak while man, machine, and Marine all looked at one another. "Forgive me but, that doesn't exactly seem customary, " Lachlan offered. To his surprise, Io nodded in concurrence, making notes on her customary clipboard. 'No forgiveness necessary, Private MacGregor. I daresay neither the Lieutenant nor I have a clue as to why Alice is being…I suppose I would use the word molested if she didn't look like she was hugging a life-sized teddy bear. ' "In short, Veera what the heck are you doing? " Russell requested, his words finally allowing Alice a respite as the Cauthan withdrew. The young woman was left standing on shaking feet, arms at her sides as she continued to squeal in soft delight. Veera was quite good at nuzzling, and she was not put off at all by her husband's tone. The Cauthan returned to his side and batted his hip with her tail for fluffy emphasis. "I'm catching up on lost time and making sure everyone understands, " she reported. 'Understands what, exactly? ' Io prompted, her processors buzzing at the chance to observe yet undocumented Cauthan behavior. "That we're family, of course! Russell already smells like me, " Veera said, earning a snort from her husband and a friendly sigh from Alice. "Veera's always wanted siblings, " he explained. "I didn't think you used scent like that though. " "I mean, we don't really, " Veera admitted. "No one would go up and smell somebody to figure out who they are, though I suppose that could work well enough if you lost your sight? In any case, it's really just a…I don't know how to describe it. Families just have scents, you know? ' "Can't say I do! " Russell replied flippantly, thumbing his nose which was apparently less precise than Veera's. "Oh hush, you're such a liar. You're always going on about how you love my scent, " Veera protested passionately, earning a loud clearing of MacGregor's throat. "Out of curiosity, Russell, what does Veera smell like to you? ” Alice asked, prompting the Marine to lean back against the blockhouse. "Alrighty, I guess it's just that time then, " he murmured. "I'm sorry, Lachlan, " Veera apologized earnestly. "But unless you plan on bonding with Alice this won't involve you much. " "I…that definitely wasn't tha issue at hand, " he blushed, cheeks reddening to approach the color of his hair. "Though now that I think about it, " Veera mused, taking a few steps his way. "You definitely smell like Cauthan. " "Musta been that tyke. Boy’s like a little lamb, curious about everything an' totally unafraid, " Lachlan reasoned. "Well yes but…cubs don't smell like that, " Veera continued curiously, bringing her nose close to his armor. "Lachlan! " Alice gasped. "I just slept in her bed, alright?! " "Lachlan!! " "Without her! " The Marine yelped frustratedly, removing his helmet and running a hand through his hair. "Look, her son plopped down on my bedroll soon as I laid it out. Game was pretty much over the moment it began. " "I wasn't judging, for the record, " Veera said apologetically. "I found love with a human male. Just wanted to make sure you were alright. " "Well I thank ye kindly then, Veera. " "Of course, Lachlan. Shall we head home? We can discuss what Russell thinks of my scent over dinner. You and Alice must be starving. " "I admit I am feeling a bit peckish. But just give me a moment with my brother? " Alice requested, imploring Russell with her eyes as he glanced her way. “It’ll only take a second. ” “I…sure, ” Veera agreed, watching their backs as brother and sister stepped inside Alice’s unlit home. “Ye alright there, Veera? ” Lachlan observed her perplexed expression. Veera shook her head once rapidly as if to clear it and looked over at him. “Yes of course. I not used to him being around human women. And before you say anything, I know that’s his sister, ” she added quickly as the well-muscled Marine opened his mouth. “I won’t pretend to know a thing about yer relationship with the Lieutenant, Veera. But I don’ think ya have much to worry about with him. Just my gut feelin’. ” “That’s kind of you. This is something I’m sure I’ll have to get used to going forward as well. Now while we’re waiting, why do you speak so differently from Russell? Do you come from another tribe? ” She wondered. Mac’s dusty green eyes lit up. “Let me tell ya’ a bit about Scotland, fluffy lass! ” ----- “Kaha told me, Russell, ” Alice whispered, looking up through her lashes to gauge his reaction. For the time being, it was confusion. “Told you what? ” “Just tell me how bad it was, ” she pleaded. “I don’t need to hear anything else but…the raid. ” Dark understanding clouded Russell’s eyes in their private little abode. He gritted his teeth and looked to the ceiling. “It was bad, Alice. ” “Have you spoken with Veera about it? ” She demanded. “Veera was there…and so was Io. That was the night she became human. We all had to kill, ” he explained, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Alice, I know that whatever shrink is up on the Event Horizon is going to see and hear about what I did. I know that whoever qualifies as HEL brass on that ship is going to see and hear about what I did. I do not want you…not you…” “It’s ok! It’s ok, ” Alice assured him, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him dearly. “As long as you’re alright. I won’t say anything tonight or in the future. And you’ll always be my baby brother. The one who decided it was his mission to defend me from all the stinky boys in school. ” “Yeah, alright, ” he replied quietly into her hair, a chuckle forcing a quick breath over her head. “Thanks, Alice. ” “Anytime, bro. Dinner? ” “Dinner. ” ----- “Is all well? ” Veera requested as her husband and Alice emerged back into the light of dusk. “Yep, all set to go! I’m more than ready to sample your hospitality if you don’t mind, ” Alice said, having developed an appetite during her few hours of rest. "So just to be clear, that's north and your sun-" "Seil, " Russell and Io added together. They grinned and winked at each other. "Yes, so Seil sets in the east? " Alice sought to confirm as the group of four began their walk along the northern arc of the village. "It does indeed. Russell had a bit of trouble with that at the beginning as well. Your…star, right dear? " "You got it sweetie, " Russell assured her, taking her by the paw and running an affectionate thumb over her fur. She turned back to her ‘sister’, feeling a distinct elation in her chest that was different than anything she'd ever felt at Russell's side. That Alice was always so eager to engage her in discussion only caused it to grow. "Thank you, so your star does the reverse? " Veera finished. Alice nodded. "Yes, it rises in the east and sets in the west. Long ago, humans used the sun, moon, and stars to navigate. But I think we'll be fine here, " Alice insisted. "So Russell, you never answered my question. " "Huh, about Veera? Earth and wine, " he replied easily. The Cauthan's feathers fluttered as Alice and Lachlan developed light blushes on the face. "Hmm? " Veera hummed. 'Veera, assuming you're wondering what I suspect you are wondering, ' Io took her turn. 'I think it's safe to say that your nose is a bit stronger than that of a human. So while the scent of others is a daily interaction for you, most humans only understand the scent of another if they are intimate routinely. That and, of course, there is the fact that most humans other than Russell bathe on a daily basis. ' "Ew, gross. Didn't need to know that, " Alice replied in a manner that only a sister could when informed of her brother's hygiene habits. "Veera, how can you stand him?! And how do you not smell like a trash heap, Russell? " "Welcome to my home, " the Cauthan said instead, holding aside a relatively new chesko pelt and beckoning them into a spacious blockhouse home where a fire was built and waiting to be lit. Fuel, food, cookware, and a couple of chairs made up most of the decor, while Lachlan noticed Veera's shrine in the corner, surrounded by the Jumper’s weapons and armor. The idols were wood, not bone, but the form and functions were clearly similar. "It's a lovely home. Thank you for having us, " Alice said politely. Lachlan echoed the sentiment as the young woman was struck by a sudden thought. "Veera, what is the convention for visitors in such a situation? " The Cauthan looked over from her bench where a salted cut of meat and some early season vegetables rested. "Oh, don't worry about it, " she replied with a wave of her tail and feathers. "Please do take a seat. Russell is more than comfortable with the bed. " "Oh you're getting it tonight, " he assured her. "Yoooo this is not what I signed up for! " Alice moaned as Io devolved into laughter. "And you will be getting nothing if you make our guests uncomfortable, " Veera called to her mate. "She's my sister, Veera. " "And now she is mine as well and you will only discuss our sex life with her if she asks about it for her studies, " the Cauthan explained with finality. Russell shrugged and moved to light the fire before laying back down on the bed. "Yes dear, " he replied earnestly. "That was amazing, believe me, " Alice whispered Lachlan's way before addressing the room again. "So…should we have bought food or something? " "That is the custom, " Veera acknowledged. "But we really don't want your food. " "Russell! " Veera snapped. "Trust me on this one, " he insisted with a smirk before looking at their guests. "You'll understand one day when you have to eat protein cubes. Seriously take a load off, you two. If you want to help just stay out of Veera's way. She's been planning all afternoon. " "Russell…" "Which I appreciate very much. You know I enjoy having guests over too, " he insisted with a smile that Veera returned. Water had already been collected, and she set about adding various mushrooms, herbs, and bones to the heating pot to form a soup base. While Veera waited for the broth to develop its flavor she prepared tea, using a smaller, secondary pot that she and Russell had purchased upon their return from the wilds. "Io? " 'Yes, Alice? ' The AI replied, popping up on her wrist. "Have you examined the alloys they use in their cookware? " The young woman asked worriedly. Io closed her eyes and nodded in understanding. 'Not well enough, Alice. Thantis and Gentia have lived many decades, but one must wonder if they are the exception or the rule. We have had little choice in that respect so far and your brother shows normal levels of heavy metals in his blood. But that's all I can do for now. Besides, life is…a bit shorter on Mara, typically, ' the AI concluded dourly. "Lachlan, get me Natori now! " Alice ordered excitedly. The Marine did not dare refuse given her tone. While they waited for the connection Alice walked to Veera and rested a hand on her shoulder. "I know good people, good doctors on board the ship. It's possible that…well…" "Alice, it's just a pot. What troubles you? " Veera asked, concerned at her concern. "I think I know what she's getting at, though she may be skipping a few steps, " Russell cut in, sitting up and nodding to Lachlan as he continued to ping the orbital communications array. "Most metal isn't pure, Veera. Sometimes it can contain trace amounts of poisonous metal or other elements. Take Rome for example. All the pipes they used to carry water through their cities were made of lead. Lead is an easy to work with metal and they had a lot of it, but it is toxic over time to humans and can cause all sorts of birth defects and problems in children. Their own advancements were killing them and they had no idea. " Russell's sober description of history had Veera looking down at her pot with hesitation. "It will be fine for a couple days, Veera, " Alice insisted. "If everyone's health has been good up until now it's not an emergency. I just think this is a perfect opportunity for me and the rest of the crew to prove we can be useful without completely upending your way of life. You can trust me, ok? " "But why would I need doctors? Those are people who treat the sick, right? " The Cauthan demanded. 'Veera, darling, that is only part of their job, at least with regards to you and your people. ' Io spoke up to assuage her fears. 'In order to ensure better health for the village, which is Alice’s goal, human doctors would need to examine and test many things about your bodies to understand exactly how they work when healthy. This would be before they attempt to treat you when sick. It may sound scary, I do understand, but it is preferable to caring for you as though you were a human. ' "But…what about Xan? Wasn't that the same? " Veera asked, handing tea to Lachlan and Alice as Natori finally responded. "Did you save a cup for me? Oh, that's quite the quaint home I see there. Hello everyone! What do you have need of me for? " The Admiral requested excitedly. Veera giggled. "I'm very happy to have the approval of a human admiral. " "Ah, so it's your home then? Indeed, indeed, " Natori nodded. "Alice? " "I need metallurgical analysis done on the cookware the Cauthan are using and I want a full medbay sterilized and made ready for ongoing analysis of Cauthan physiology. Tell Gerard to put his stem cells on ice if you have to. I'll bring up a sample tomorrow, " she ordered. Natori cocked a brow. "You have concerns about heavy metal poisoning? " "It's a possibility, sir. I will see if I can find anything anecdotal tomorrow, but we should begin immediately thereafter. A baseline is necessary no matter what if we intend to extend any medical services to the population. " "Do you have a consenting patient? " Natori pressed. Alice looked at Veera pleadingly. Russell stepped between them. "You aren't doing shit to her unless Io and I approve it and are there when it happens, " he insisted roughly. "And my brother needs a full physical before the psych eval now that I think about it! What the heck, Natori! " Alice yelped. "This has become a bit delicate, hasn't it? " The admiral mused. "I was a tad more concerned about where his guns were pointed in the moment, but yes of course, Alice. Why don't you bring Lieutenant Winters up on the evening shuttle tomorrow. Presumably you will have had time to inquire as to the general health of the villagers by then. Veera can, if she wishes, accompany him and get a first hand look at our medical facilities. I will send word to Dr. Dupuis and the fleet physician. " 'That will not be necessary, Admiral. I am more than qualified to administer care to Veera and her people, with Alice's oversight of course, ' Io stated, donning her doctor's garb. 'I am also a known quantity to them, unlike your staff, and most of the equipment can be controlled by a VI. ' "I suppose that is a possibility, at least for the immediate future, " Kaczynski acknowledged, secretly thrilled at the idea of getting Io back on the Event Horizon to examine her behavior. "And as long as we're on the subject of things that should be done, you owe those two an explanation, Alice. " "Ahaa, yeah. That's not a bad idea, " Alice replied sheepishly. "Sorry. Little excited? " "Don't apologize to me! Alice, I understand that much is in flux at the moment and I'm sure they will as well. Assuming you are able to adequately explain your concerns to the Cauthan and we are able to establish a medical profile of the species, this could be an excellent start to our relationship with them. Is there anything else? " "No sir, not at this time, " Alice replied. "Please do notify Gerard. I trust him a great deal and he's something of a supervisor and mentor regarding my work. Hope that's alright, Io. " 'I look forward to meeting this man of science in the flesh. His dossier is admittedly impressive. ' "Thanks a lot! Mac? " "I'm right as rain. Good day ta you, Admiral. " "And to you all. Enjoy dinner! " Natori killed the connection, leaving Veera to add meat and vegetables to the soup. "You don't have to, " Russell told her seriously. 'But it would be best if she did! ' Io insisted. "Io! " 'Absolutely not budging. Look at what modern medicine has done to human life expectancy! ' Io insisted, displaying a chart for emphasis. 'Reasonable estimates indicate the generation born following first contact could reliably live to ninety or one hundred! ' "That's incredible! " Veera gasped. "Io…" Russell ground out. 'Sir, you and I will ensure everything is ethical and above board, ' Io insisted. 'You're being silly. ' "Yeah yeah…who's Gerard? " He asked his sister pointedly. She took a calm sip of her tea, deflecting her brother’s agitation. "Mmm that actually reminds me of how Veera smells a little, " Alice mused. "Maybe that's just male and female noses being different? I get the earthiness clearly. Russell, Gerard Dupuis is a colleague and good friend of mine back on the Event Horizon. He specializes in cellular biology and genetics, and his wife is an ob/gyn. The two of them are trustworthy and could really help with forming a base of knowledge around which we could structure ongoing Cauthan medical care. Io can't…and shouldn't be everywhere at once. " 'Fret not, I am in agreement. Acquiring Asha and Zolta's consent might be tricky…but at least they won't kill anyone, unlike Ratha, ' Io declared. "One step at a time. Nothing's wrong with Asha, " Russell insisted. "That you know of, " Alice retorted. "That Gentia knows of, " he shot back. "You think she'd just let you poke around her belly? That I would?! " He hissed. "Of course not! And we are scientists and doctors, Russell! We do not 'poke around' like you Jumpers, " Alice replied hotly as she threw up finger quotes. "You were just saying to not get ahead of things. I'm not. Your friends and wife are most used to humans, and are the most likely to hear us out and listen to our explanations before giving or denying medical consent. Now let's just drop it. I was looking forward to having a nice dinner and learning how you two met! " "You started it, " he grumbled. "And I'm finishing it too, " Alice huffed. "Nothing will be done to any of them that they don't agree to and that is not overseen by some combination of us three, alright? " "That would be nice, " Veera affirmed as Russell gave her a brief one-armed hug. "Not much of this makes sense to me. " 'It will in time, ' Io assured her. 'You and your people suffer from ignorance, not stupidity. I have said this before. Alice, I would advise you to not hold information back from them. They will figure it out eventually, ' she warned as Veera tried to decide on whether she should feel insulted or complimented. The young scientist nodded seriously. "I understand, and we'll do everything to explain as time goes on. Thank you in advance, Veera. This smells absolutely delightful, by the way, " Alice gushed, steering them all away from scientific frontiers that would be best addressed on the morrow. The Cauthan smiled and plucked a piece of meat from the stew, testing its tenderness with her claws. "So no one's going to mention the glaring problem here? " Russell asked, earning four pairs of eyes looking his way. He smirked. "Omega getting one up on the brainiacs? That's new. " "Spill it or shut it, " Alice sniped with humor in her eyes. Her brother nodded seriously. "Veera only shares half of her genetic information with this village's gene pool, assuming their reproduction is anything like ours. Seems to be. Her mother was from another tribe. It's where she gets those beautiful stripes, " he added, planting a loving kiss on her muzzle. She purred to acknowledge his compliment while nevertheless giving him a dangerous look regarding the subject matter. "You're going to need more samples than just her if you intend to do anything beyond physiology. " Alice and Lachlan looked at one another silently, the former recalling Kaha and his description of Veera's treatment in the village. Pieces were falling into place. "And we were supposed to know that how? Sounds like a good segue into how you two met though, " she declared. 'Oh I'm so ready! ' Io exclaimed, pulling up her own digital armchair and making herself comfortable in an emerald bathrobe. Veera regarded her man with contemplative and loving eyes. "To think we would end up here after you almost flattened my farm, " she mused with mild humor at the memory. Alice gleefully accepted an offered bowl of stew. "Story time! " ----- Over dinner, Russell and Veera took turns regaling their guests with the tale. Now quite removed from the shock of the event, Veera had great fun recounting how her very first interactions with Russell had proceeded, from her astonishment at his divine armor and pod to her frustration when he stole her bucket. Alice dissolved into laughter at that point as Mac joined in with a customary and reserved chuckle. They listened with rapt attention as Alice got the story of Russell’s first day in the village from Veera’s perspective, a combination of assumed betrayal and knight in shining armor. That was when they came to the subject of Veera’s home before Russell had come into her life. ‘There was the bed, the shrine, the cooking pot, and the much else, ’ Io filled in the gaps as Veera fell silent, displaying some residual shame with her feathers as Russell kissed the top of her head. ‘Though I will add, the accumulation of wealth and prestige since that time has absolutely been a team effort. And I daresay I’m glad it evolved into more than just sharing food. ’ “Oh come on, Io. Really? ” Russell groaned at her sultry tone. The AI tutted him with a wag of her finger. ‘Did you really think you would escape your sister without describing your first kiss? ’ Io questioned with a knowing look at Alice who almost choked on her tea. “What’s it like to kiss a Cauthan?! ” She blurted without any hint of decorum. “Find out yourself! ” Her brother shot back before catching himself. “Or how about you don’t!? ” “Well maybe I will if you won’t tell me, ” Alice somehow managed to pout and smirk at the same time as Io spectated gleefully. The advent of her operator’s sister was nothing short of a goldmine of new, raw, genuine human interaction. “We danced together and he played the most beautiful music for me. He was gentle and taught me how to kiss. We don’t do that at least we didn’t until Russell showed up, ” Veera explained, earning a nod from her husband as she took the lead and detailed the evening to the extent she was comfortable, leaving out much of the emotional conversation that had preceded their first night together. Alice’s mouth dropped open. “But Ratha and Antoth, they ’re saying they-” “They may or may not have picked up on a few things. Ratha’s smart, I’ll give her that, ” Russell joked. “Russell, can’t do that! Can you? ” Alice exclaimed while Lachlan continued to enjoy his stew in contented silence. “Little late for that, ” he said, leaning over to make a point of kissing Veera where they sat on the still immaculately clean dirt floor. Alice hung and shook her head. “I’m honestly more surprised that they picked up on it as opposed to not having it as a part of their culture in the first place. did that happen anyway? ” Alice had to know. “It feels good. ” Veera stated simply, shrugging her shoulders and feathers all at once. It was a motion she’d picked up on from mimicking Russell. “Gentia and Thantis probably figured it out and were holding out on us. ” “Alright, now you definitely lost me, ” Alice huffed. “Near as I can tell, pretty much anything is fair game behind closed doors and in the company of your mate, ” her brother explained. “But out in public what matters is mating, bonding, and having children. You know, survival. ” “I suppose that doesn’t leave much room for kissin’ and the like, ” MacGregor finally contributed. Veera agreed. “The discussion of physical intimacy is frowned upon in public, beyond mating of course. Things have changed a bit since Russell arrived, but many still feel that way. ” “That’s very good to know. Thank you, Veera. So…how did you two get from first kiss to marriage? ” Alice yearned to know. Silence fell within the home, allowing the logs to crackle as Russell pursed his lips and nodded. “A lot happened. ” Alice glanced around with wide, inquisitive eyes, meeting Veera’s as the Cauthan leaned against her husband and tried to explain what she did not wish to. He stopped her. “We already talked about it, Veera. She’s helped me through a lot, Alice. ” “And he helped me. By the grace of Lady Meylith love grew in our hearts, and here we are, ” the Cauthan summarized. “We forgot our dog, ” Russell laughed, offering Lachlan another bowl. The Marine accepted with gratitude. “He’s fine with Xan for the night! ” Veera insisted, doing the same for Alice. “You have a dog? An alien dog?! ” She gasped quickly before shoveling more stew into her mouth. “By the way, you have no idea how incredible this tastes after five months of nothing but ship food. Oh my god…can I come by for every meal? ” Veera burst into delightful laughter, raising her head to the sky and silently thanking the Mother for blessing her and her home. “We’d be happy to have you join us. Though as you get to know the rest of the village I hope you will be invited into others’ homes. You should understand how we all live. ” “I’d like that very much, Veera. Thank you again, ” Alice replied with evident earnesty in her voice. She tensed her shoulders and vibrated happily. “It feels like when dad used to take us camping! ” Io looked from one sibling to the other closely, trying to gauge how the mention of Russell’s parents would go over. He acknowledged the point and swallowed heavily. “How are they, Alice? ” “They miss you, Russell. ” At Alice’s words Veera took her bowl in one hand and rested the other on her husband’s knee. “Maybe one day soon we can all go back to your home? ” She suggested warmly, earning her what she knew to be an affectionate and sincere smile from him. “Yeah, but in the meantime don’t think I forgot what you said about having a dog! ” ----- The next morning Alice was up bright and early to receive pilot Cromwell and her shuttle. She was thankful for the impeccable timing on the pilot's behalf, as the guards on morning shift at the gate were not particularly talkative. Lachlan made his appearance shortly after touchdown, and the two of them greeted Elizabeth before grabbing the items Natori had prepared for them in the manufacturing bays. The admiral had included a handful of 'care package' items as well, including ration bars, sanitary wipes, and resealable plastic bags for waste that could be returned to the Event Horizon so as not to pollute Mara. To Alice's pleasant surprise, the set of shelves was incredibly light, and between the two of them there was no problem with transportation. Assured that her job was done, Cromwell waved to the on duty guards and saluted her crewmates before confirming her arrival time that evening. Her shuttle ascended back into the clear, summer sky, causing mild disturbances amongst the shen and holding the gaze of many a farmer who wondered just how much contact with humanity would change their daily lives. ----- "You received the file? " Alice asked, placing her effects on her shelves and speaking with Lachlan via her A-MACS. "Text file, twelve questions? " The Marine replied as he headed back to Sentaura's. "Are ya sure you don't need me with you today? " "You're sweet, Mac, but Russell and Veera promised to remain with me when I go to visit the death priests this morning. Besides, the answers to these questions will determine whether an analysis of their cookware is an imminent medical necessity or a passing curiosity. I tried to make the questions as species agnostic as possible, but we won't know for sure until we're back on the ship. " "I suppose I can't argue the logic, though I'm not sure this is how I envisioned my first day down here, " MacGregor mused. "You'll be fine, " Alice insisted happily. "It's a good chance to meet the villagers. Oh, and if they don't want to answer your questions don't worry about it. Best not to be pushy. " "No need ta tell me twice. Even the women have those crazy talons here…well alright, Alice. Ping me if ya need me. Till then, be good lassie. " "And you, Mac. See ya! " Alice had but a moment after ending the call before Veera poked her head through the doorway. "Good morning, Alice! Your brother made fried dato this morning. I brought some for you. Are you ready to go visit Thantis and Xan? " The human turned to her and slung her now lightened pack over her shoulders. Alice's eager smile seemed to light the room itself as the earliest rays of Seil streamed through the opening in the center of the roof. "I was born ready! And thanks for breakfast. " ----- [Previous] [p] | [First] [f] ----- Own The HEL Jumper: Survive in the format of your choice: [hardcover] () | [paperback] () | [epub] () | [Amazon Kindle] ().

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Watch stream blood on her name back. She looks hella cute with glasses on. I want to see this film, cannot wait. We have three Marauders-Snape interactions from their school days, and I argue that they, by themselves, with no need for more context, prove that at least until the end of their 5th year, the Marauders bullied Snape, and it was undeserved, one-sided, and extreme. The Express Scene This is the 1st interaction between Snape, James, and Sirius: Snape enters a compartment containing Lily and a group of rowdy boys, including James and Sirius. This passage is followed by Snape and Lily’s brief argument, and then: “But we’re going! ” he said, unable to suppress the exhilaration in his voice. “This is it! We’re off to Hogwarts! ” She nodded, mopping her eyes, but in spite of herself, she half smiled. “You’d better be in Slytherin, ” said Snape, encouraged that she had brightened a little. “Slytherin? ” One of the boys sharing the compartment, who had shown no interest at all in Lily or Snape until that point, looked around at the word, and Harry, whose attention had been focused entirely on the two beside the window, saw his father: slight, black-haired like Snape, but with that indefinable air of having been well-cared-for, even adored, that Snape so conspicuously lacked. “Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you? ” James asked the boy lounging on the seats opposite him, and with a jolt, Harry realized that it was Sirius. Sirius did not smile. “My whole family have been in Slytherin, ” he said. “ Blimey, ” said James, “ and I thought you seemed all right! ” Sirius grinned. Snape’s exhilaration lasts five minutes before James hears something he doesn’t like. The text hints at what kind of person 11 years old James is another way - he sounds like Draco: “Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you? ” Back to James and Snape: James picks a fight with Snape without provocation - Snape is talking to Lily. [... ] Where are you heading, if you’ve got the choice? ” James lifted an invisible sword. “‘Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart! ’ Like my dad. ” Snape made a small, disparaging noise. James turned on him. “Got a problem with that? ” “No, ” said Snape, though his slight sneer said otherwise. “If you’d rather be brawny than brainy —” “Brawny” is not even an insult, and a “slight sneer” is called for, given that James said he’d rather leave than be in Slytherin. Snape also doesn’t insult James - he rolls his eyes at the fact that James values physical courage over intelligence. James is the one who confronts Snape directly. “ Where’re you hoping to go, seeing as you’re neither? ” interjected Sirius. James roared with laughter. Lily sat up, rather flushed, and looked from James to Sirius in dislike. “Come on, Severus, let’s find another compartment. ” “Oooooo... ” James and Sirius imitated her lofty voice; James tried to trip Snape as he passed. “See ya, Snivellus! ” a voice called, as the compartment door slammed. James picks a fight and throws the first indirect insult. Sirius throws the first direct insult, calling Snape stupid and weak. James approves. Lily wants to get away, gets mocked, and James tries to trip Snape, meaning he is escalating to physical violence, as Snape and Lily were leaving, no less! Brawny indeed! Someone also throws the first rude nickname, Snivellus (incidentally, Snape never refers to James or Sirius by anything other than their actual name). This is the first Snape+Lily and proto-Marauders interaction. Snape is uninteresting until he gives James a reason to hate him, and then James and Sirius seem to bond over their hatred of everything Slytherin, including Snape, and Lily, who is Slytherin-bound at this point. Sirius tries to make peace with Lily once she is Sorted, but she's still hurt. She took one look at him, seemed to recognize him from the train, folded her arms, and firmly turned her back on him. The Prank The "prank" takes place sometime in their fifth year. This is Lupin’s account of it: ”Snape had seen me crossing the grounds with Madam Pomfrey one evening as she led me toward the Whomping Willow to transform. Sirius thought it would be — er — amusing, to tell Snape all he had to do was prod the knot on the tree trunk with a long stick, and he’d be able to get in after me. Well, of course, Snape tried it — if he’d got as far as this house, he’d have met a fully grown werewolf — but your father, who’d heard what Sirius had done, went after Snape and pulled him back, at great risk to his life... Snape glimpsed me, though, at the end of the tunnel. He was forbidden by Dumbledore to tell anybody, but from that time on he knew what I was. ” Sirius doesn’t correct Lupin, and neither does Snape, so we can take it at face value. Why did Sirius do it? In his words: ” It served him right, ” he sneered. “ Sneaking around, trying to find out what we were up to… hoping he could get us expelled. ” In Sirius’s mind, at 16 (and at 33), sneaking around is punishable by death. Maybe Sirius didn’t intend Snape to use the information? But then, why give it? Did he want to frighten Snape so he'll leave them alone? Why would he do that in a way that hurts Lupin? The only explanation is that Sirius either wanted Snape dead, or did not think of the consequences ( or of Lupin), only of his own amusement. Fortunately, James did. Since James’s life was endangered (despite James possibly already being an Animagus), Snape’s was, too. Dumbledore agrees that this was attempted murder: “Sirius Black showed he was capable of murder at the age of sixteen, ” he breathed. “You haven’t forgotten that, Headmaster? You haven’t forgotten that he once tried to kill me? ” “ My memory is as good as it ever was, Severus, ” said Dumbledore quietly. We know Dumbledore knows how to shut Snape down, and even dismiss his concerns. That he doesn’t do so here suggests that Snape’s feelings are more than justified. Snape did not know what Lupin was. The only sign that he knew is Lily’s “I know your theory”. Here it is in context: “It was Dark Magic, and if you think that’s funny —” “ What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to? ” demanded Snape. His color rose again as he said it, unable, it seemed, to hold in his resentment. “What’s Potter got to do with anything? ” said Lily. “ They sneak out at night. There’s something weird about that Lupin. Where does he keep going? ” “ He’s ill, ” said Lily. “They say he’s ill —” “Every month at the full moon? ” said Snape. “I know your theory, ” said Lily, and she sounded cold. ] I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever’s down there. ” This conversation is a little after the prank, because Lily refers to James saving Snape from something that’s down the tunnel by the Whomping Willow the other night. Snape is provoked because Lily is lecturing him about Dark Magic, and Lupin is a textbook Dark creature who had been used to nearly kill him. He impulsively asks about Potter and his mates. Now knowing what Lupin is, he is trying to steer Lily to that conclusion. The “theory” Lily knows can be literally anything. Assuming that the theory is “werewolf”, Lily’s response makes no sense - she is the one who says “he’s ill” as if refuting it. Most tellingly, “the other night” was a full moon night, and Lily does not wonder why Snape went down to the Whomping Willow if he had expected a werewolf. Also, werewolves are 3rd year material - if he had been needlessly obsessing with the Marauders and keeping track of them at all times, he would have realized this in their third year, like Hermione, and he would have known how to deal with a werewolf before going into the tunnel. What happened was that he was completely unprepared for this and he froze (as one does when trapped in a confined space with a predator), and was pulled out by James. If Snape knew, then why, rather then tell everyone and ruin the Marauders’ life, did he endanger himself? Why did Lupin say “but from that time on he knew what I was”? Why did Sirius say he was “ trying to find out what we were up to? ” Most importantly, who cares? Being stupid or curious is not a crime. The “prank” was attempted murder and Sirius was an attempted murderer. Meanwhile, the accusations leveled against teenage Snape are that he was “an oddball who was up to his eyeballs in the Dark Arts”, jealous of James, hung around with Slytherins who then became Death Eaters; found what Mulciber did to Mary funny, and that, per Lupin, “Sectumsempra was always a specialty of Snape’s”. Even Lily only accuses him of hanging around with (not of being one of the) people she finds creepy, who do “Dark Magic”, and of calling people Mudbloods. This, when lecturing Snape about his wrongdoings and ending the friendship, meaning these were her strongest complaints. Sectumsempra was probably developed after the attempted murder - it is a clear escalation from the other spells Snape developed, which were more defensive, and I have good reason to believe it made its debut in Snape’s worst memory. Conclusion: Sirius tried to kill Snape because Snape had inconvenienced him and his friends. How did the school handle this? Dumbledore forbade Snape from telling anyone about it. Sirius wasn’t expelled. We also have this conversation (yes, again. JRK is a wonderful author and this is extremely layered): “And you’re being really ungrateful. I heard what happened the other night. You went sneaking down that tunnel by the Whomping Willow, and James Potter saved you from whatever’s down there —” Snape’s whole face contorted and he spluttered, “Saved? Saved? You think he was playing the hero? He was saving his neck and his friends’ too! You’re not going to — I won’t let you —” This might be the first time Snape realizes that James hadn’t been silenced. James goes around bragging about saving Snape, making himself look like a hero who saved that idiot Snape - and Lily believes James over her supposed best friend. Since the thing adult Snape accuses James of the most is arrogance, I think this is the worst thing James did, in Snape’s view - ruining his credibility and reputation with his bragging. James took credit for saving Snape’s life, but astonishingly, this was not a wake-up call. The Marauders did not see the error of their ways, at all. Even after graduation, Snape held on to Lupin’s secret for 20 years, until the end of POA. This hints at some sort of magical silencing, but whether or not you buy it, the way Dumbledore handled the attempted murder is appalling, and nowadays, the similarity to the systemic hushing-up and victim-blaming and discrediting that often follows rape should be obvious, even if the analogy was unintentional. James, conversely, looks the hero. This level of bullying and enabling is extreme, and should be understood as such. Snape’s Worst Memory Here’s adult Lupin trying to comfort Harry about not being made a prefect: “I think Dumbledore might have hoped that I would be able to exercise some control over my best friends, ” said Lupin. “ I need scarcely say that I failed dismally. ” This is foreshadowing, even if Lupin makes it sound cute. The pretext for Harry viewing SWM is that Snape rushes out of class to help Montague, who finally resurfaced after being shoved in the Vanishing Cabinet by the twins. Here’s what Harry sees: Snape-the-teenager had a stringy, pallid look about him, like a plant kept in the dark. This is the boy who was barely able to contain his exhilaration at going to Hogwarts. This place has really done a number on him. James yawned hugely and rumpled up his hair, making it even messier than it had been. Then, with a glance toward Professor Flitwick, he turned in his seat and grinned at a boy sitting four seats behind him. James doesn’t look like he’s been having a hard time. Whatever Snape did to them didn’t make them change their demeanor. Here’s Sirius: Harry saw Sirius give James the thumbs-up. Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking [... ] and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn’t seem to have noticed. ] Harry looked down at his father, who had hastily crossed out the L. E. he had been embellishing, jumped to his feet, stuffed his quill and the exam question paper into his bag, which he slung over his back, and stood waiting for Sirius to join him. Harry looked around and glimpsed Snape a short way away, moving between the tables toward the doors into the entrance hall, still absorbed in his own examination paper. Round-shouldered yet angular, he walked in a twitchy manner that recalled a spider, his oily hair swinging about his face. A gang of chattering girls separated Snape from James and Sirius [... ] Snape and Lily have been drifting apart: James and Sirius wait for each other after their exam, Snape and Lily don’t. The gang includes Lily. Later, we also learn why Sirius doesn’t notice the girl. Snape walks with a hunch, he’s twitchy, he’s looking from side to side (his hair is swinging). His body language is screaming: he is scared. ] Snape remained close by, still buried in his examination questions; but this was Snape’s memory, and Harry was sure that if Snape chose to wander off in a different direction once outside in the grounds, he, Harry, would not be able to follow James any farther. To his intense relief, however, when James and his three friends strode off down the lawn toward the lake, Snape followed, still poring over the paper and apparently with no fixed idea of where he was going. How hard must it have been for Snape to answer questions about werewolves while in the same room as Sirius and Lupin? I think he had to dissociate heavily to get through the exam, and this is why he is wandering aimlessly and appears unaware of his surroundings. He’s definitely not trying to bother the Marauders. Moving on. He started playing with the Snitch, allowing it to fly as much as a foot away and seizing it again; his reflexes were excellent. Wormtail watched him in awe. They stopped in the shade of the very same beech tree on the edge of the lake [... ]. ] Snape had settled himself on the grass in the dense shadows of a clump of bushes. He was as deeply immersed in the O. W. L. paper as ever, which left Harry free to sit down on the grass between the beech and the bushes and watch the foursome under the tree. The sunlight was dazzling on the smooth surface of the lake, on the bank of which the group of laughing girls who had just left the Great Hall were sitting with shoes and socks off, cooling their feet in the water. ] James was still playing with the Snitch, letting it zoom farther and farther away, almost escaping but always grabbed at the last second. Wormtail was watching him with his mouth open. Every time James made a particularly difficult catch, Wormtail gasped and applauded. After five minutes of this, Harry wondered why James didn’t tell Wormtail to get a grip on himself, but James seemed to be enjoying the attention. Harry noticed his father had a habit of rumpling up his hair as though to make sure it did not get too tidy, and also that he kept looking over at the girls by the water’s edge. “Put that away, will you? ” said Sirius finally, as James made a fine catch and Wormtail let out a cheer. “Before Wormtail wets himself from excitement. ” Wormtail turned slightly pink but James grinned. “If it bothers you, ” he said, stuffing the Snitch back in his pocket. Harry had the distinct impression that Sirius was the only one for whom James would have stopped showing off. This establishes that: 1. Snape is minding his own business. 2. James is so attention-seeking, it’s making Harry uncomfortable. 3. Lily is nearby and James wants her to notice him. 4. Sirius is the only one who can put James in his place. 5. James’s reflexes are excellent. The horror show begins: “ I’m bored, ” said Sirius. “Wish it was full moon. ” [... ] “ This’ll liven you up, Padfoot, ” said James quietly. “Look who it is... ” Sirius’s head turned. He had become very still, like a dog that has scented a rabbit. “Excellent, ” he said softly. “Snivellus. ” Sirius and James’s motivation is boredom. There is no sign that they are scared of Snape, on the contrary, this is fun for them. Sirius and Snape are literally compared to a dog and a rabbit - predator and prey. Harry turned to see what Sirius was looking at. Snape was on his feet again, and was stowing the O. paper in his bag. As he emerged from the shadows of the bushes and set off across the grass, Sirius and James stood up. Lupin and Wormtail remained sitting: Lupin was still staring down at his book, though his eyes were not moving and a faint frown line had appeared between his eyebrows. Wormtail was looking from Sirius and James to Snape with a look of avid anticipation on his face. “All right, Snivellus? ” said James loudly. Snape reacted so fast it was as though he had been expecting an attack: Dropping his bag, he plunged his hand inside his robes, and his wand was halfway into the air when James shouted, “ Expelliarmus! ” Snape’s wand flew twelve feet into the air and fell with a little thud in the grass behind him. This behavior is nothing unusual: otherwise, what is Lupin worried about? What is Peter avidly anticipating? Why does Snape react as though he had been expecting this? Why does it appear like they never retired the nickname from the Express scene? Snape had now been disarmed. Everything that follows is an attack against someone helpless. Sirius let out a bark of laughter. “Impedimenta! ” he said, pointing his wand at Snape, who was knocked off his feet, halfway through a dive toward his own fallen wand. Students all around had turned to watch. Some of them had gotten to their feet and were edging nearer to watch. Some looked apprehensive, others entertained. Snape lay panting on the ground. James and Sirius advanced on him, wands up, James glancing over his shoulder at the girls at the water’s edge as he went. James publicly attacks Snape in two out of two scenes he appears in. If the text wanted to establish a rivalry, it failed. James and Sirius are advancing on a guy who is laying panting on the ground without his wand. James is trying to get Lily’s attention with this behavior. Wormtail was on his feet now, watching hungrily, edging around Lupin to get a clearer view. “How’d the exam go, Snivelly? ” said James. “I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment, ” said Sirius viciously. “There’ll be great grease marks all over it, they won’t be able to read a word. ” That’s why Sirius didn't notice the girl. He was preoccupied with Snape, he hates him this much. He never grew out of it. From POA: “Snape? ” said Black harshly, taking his eyes off Scabbers for the first time in minutes and looking up at Lupin. “ What’s Snape got to do with it? ” Sirius, 33, hates Snape so much, it makes him take his eyes off Pettigrew, who betrayed the Potters, killed 12 people, and framed him. Why? How could this possibly be rational? It's worth noting, in this context, that the Marauders' Map insults Snape's looks too. It appears that they were very preoccupied with it, much more than with his interest in the Dark Arts. Moving on: Several people watching laughed; Snape was clearly unpopular. Wormtail sniggered shrilly. Snape was trying to get up, but the jinx was still operating on him; he was struggling, as though bound by invisible ropes. “You — wait, ” he panted, staring up at James with an expression of purest loathing. “You — wait... ” “Wait for what? ” said Sirius coolly. “What’re you going to do, Snivelly, wipe your nose on us? ” When Snape is openly threatening James, Sirius does not believe him capable of worse than wiping his nose on them. Here’s Sirius to an opponent he respects (20 years later, but still): “Come on, you [Bellatrix] can do better than that! ” Indeed, she can. Moving on: Snape let out a stream of mixed swearwords and hexes, but his wand being ten feet away, nothing happened. “Wash out your mouth, ” said James coldly. “Scourgify! ” Pink soap bubbles streamed from Snape’s mouth at once; the froth was covering his lips, making him gag, choking him — “Leave him ALONE! ” James and Sirius looked around. James’s free hand jumped to his hair again. It was one of the girls from the lake edge. She had thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders and startlingly green almond-shaped eyes — Harry’s eyes. Harry’s mother. James is telling Snape: You’re nothing. You’re so low, you’ll be punished (by choking) for attempting to defend yourself. Snape is supposed to be the one who is all about the scary Dark Arts, but it seems that Scourgify can certainly do enough damage when applied to a human mouth, no? Anyway, James accomplished his goal - Lily is finally paying attention to him. “All right, Evans? ” said James, and the tone of his voice was suddenly pleasant, deeper, more mature. “Leave him alone, ” Lily repeated. She was looking at James with every sign of great dislike. “ What’s he done to you? ” “Well, ” said James, appearing to deliberate the point, “ it’s more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean... ” Many of the surrounding watchers laughed, Sirius and Wormtail included, but Lupin, still apparently intent on his book, didn’t, and neither did Lily. “You think you’re funny, ” she said coldly. “But you’re just an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter. Leave him alone. ” If Snape deserves this, why does Lily ask James why he is attacking him? Why does James make a point of explaining how low Snape is, instead of producing a reason Lily would approve of? Why is Lupin staying out of it and not defending his friends? Why is Lily calling James a bully? My guess about the “he exists” line is that James is teasing Snape because Snape owes him his life. Imagine being teased about being nearly killed. This is two Gryffindor Prefects on the scene now, who are obligated not only to protest what is going on, but to stop it and report it. Lupin is failing miserably, and Lily is failing only slightly less miserably (or maybe more, because she and Snape are ostensibly friends, still. ) “ I will if you go out with me, Evans, ” said James quickly. “Go on... Go out with me, and I’ll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again. ” Behind him, the Impediment Jinx was wearing off. Snape was beginning to inch toward his fallen wand, spitting out soapsuds as he crawled. “I wouldn’t go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid, ” said Lily. Snape is still on the floor, coughing up soap, wandless, crawling. James is not doing this because Snape deserves it. A pro-Marauders fanfic I read attempted to make James look good in this scene by having Snape torture Peter in the same manner first. Let’s say this happened. Proof by elimination: James isn’t giving Lily the real reason for the sake of Pete’s dignity. This also explains Pete’s anticipation. But why is Lupin disapproving? How come James promises to end the hostility for a date, if he’s retaliating for something? More generally, If James is being moral, why target Snape, and not Avery and Mulciber, who actually do bad things? What did Bertram Aubrey do? Conclusion: Snape did nothing to deserve this. Moving on: “Bad luck, Prongs, ” said Sirius briskly, turning back to Snape. “OY! ” But too late; Snape had directed his wand straight at James; there was a flash of light and a gash appeared on the side of James’s face, spattering his robes with blood. James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants. Many people in the small crowd watching cheered. Sirius, James, and Wormtail roared with laughter. Lily, whose furious expression had twitched for an instant as though she was going to smile, said, “Let him down! ” “Certainly, ” said James and he jerked his wand upward. Snape fell into a crumpled heap on the ground. This is Sectumsempra's debut. If Snape had used it before, Sirius would have had more to worry about than Snape's boogers. He was certainly not famous for attacking people with it, as some claim. This hypothesis is based on Lupin saying Sectum was a specialty of Snape’s - but of course it was, he invented it, and Lupin is one of the enemies for whom it was intended. Hell, the inscription “for enemies” proves teen Snape knew you don’t use this spell on just anyone. The fact that it takes Snape using it again (in the 7 Potters battle, ironically, in an attempt to protect Lupin) for Lupin to remember that he ever used it shows that he didn’t use it indiscriminately. James had it coming. James is also the type of person who would leverage the safety of a girl’s friend to score a date with her. Appalling. Moving on: Disentangling himself from his robes, he got quickly to his feet, wand up, but Sirius said, “Petrificus Totalus! ” and Snape keeled over again at once, rigid as a board. “LEAVE HIM ALONE! ” Lily shouted. She had her own wand out now. James and Sirius eyed it warily. “ Ah, Evans, don’t make me hex you, ” said James earnestly. “Take the curse off him, then! ” James sighed deeply, then turned to Snape and muttered the countercurse. “There you go, ” he said, as Snape struggled to his feet again, “ you’re lucky Evans was here, Snivellus — ” Thanks for remembering you have a wand, Lily. No wonder Snape had to seek out friends who might be more enthusiastic about protecting him (although, where are they? How tight was he with his Slytherin gang at this point? ) James earnestly threatens Lily, whom he likes. He is displeased at having to release Snape, he threatens him with what could have been. This is clearly intended to humiliate Snape, and it works. When Harry views this scene for the second time, in The Prince’s Tale, this moment is described like this: “Distantly he heard Snape shout at her in his humiliation and his fury, the unforgivable word: “Mudblood. ” Snape tried to reclaim some dignity, some of his masculinity, even. Sadly, it backfired horrendously. “ I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her! ” Lily blinked. “Fine, ” she said coolly. “ I won’t bother in future. And I’d wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus. ” “Apologize to Evans! ” James roared at Snape, his wand pointed threateningly at him. “I don’t want you to make him apologize, ” Lily shouted, rounding on James. “ You’re as bad as he is. ” “What? ” yelped James. “I’d NEVER call you a — you-know-what! ” “[... ], walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can — I’m surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK. ” She turned on her heel and hurried away. “Evans! ” James shouted after her, “Hey, EVANS! ” But she didn’t look back. “What is it with her? ” said James, trying and failing to look as though this was a throwaway question of no real importance to him. “Reading between the lines, I’d say she thinks you’re a bit conceited, mate, ” said Sirius. “Right, ” said James, who looked furious now, “right —” There was another flash of light, and Snape was once again hanging upside down in the air. “Who wants to see me take off Snivelly’s pants? ” And scene. The key words were “I don’t need help”, not “Mudbloods”. This is not saying slurs are OK. However, this was in 1970s UK, and Wizarding society is behind Muggle society in every way. Unfortunately, slurs were more common then, meaning it was not just the raging racists who used them. In universe, we know Snape used that word on others (which is worse than doing it at a moment of rage and hurt, by the way) and James doesn't say that's why he's attacking Snape. Even when Draco uses it, nobody starts a campaign against slurs. Harry, Lily's son, barely even remembers that Snape used that word - he correctly identifies what's the bigger transgression in this scene, even though he hates Snape. Why is the use of a slur scrutinized so heavily when, in universe, it is clearly not downplayed and is in fact a major plot point? Why are the abuse and public degradation that are the context for using it downplayed and whitewashed? People insist that things must have happened, off-page, that justify what James and Sirius did, but ignore the on-page explanation for what Snape did. Even Lily, the “Mudblood” in question, who is clearly hurt, says James is as bad as Snape, and accuses James of hexing people because he can. Lily’s “I won’t bother in the future” is further proof that she knows there will be a next time - this was not a one time thing, she’s had to defend Snape before. James is a menace. And the menace is furious. He was not furious before, mind you, just bored. It’s because he had no reason to be furious with Snape. Jamese is furious now because Lily rejected him. It is a near-certainty that James then exposed Snape’s genitals in front of a crowd (in UK English, pants means underpants): The scene ends there, with the literary equivalent of a fade to black. James seems intent on delivering on his threat. Lupin and Sirius don’t say it didn’t happen. Snape has now been sexually assaulted at least once. To put this in perspective, something similar is done to someone else, by a bad group of people, and it is referred to as torture. From GOF: One of the marchers below flipped Mrs. Roberts upside down with his wand; her nightdress fell down to reveal voluminous drawers and she struggled to cover herself up as the crowd below her screeched and hooted with glee. Voldemort’s heard of this: You are still ready to take the lead in a spot of Muggle-torture, I believe? Except what Snape endured is worse in some respects, because his underpants were removed, he was a minor, his assailants were not strangers and he continued to see them every day, and all of this is going on the charitable assumption that the assault at the end of SWM was the only one. Mrs. Roberts is a victim of a hate crime (although she doesn’t know it), and she is experiencing a horror she cannot comprehend, true; and yet - within the moral landscape of HP, this is extreme behavior. Harry views this scene and he is horrified, the thought of his father makes him ashamed. He never tells anyone he’s seen it, except Sirius and Lupin. For nearly five years the thought of his father had been a source of comfort, of inspiration. Whenever someone had told him he was like‘ James he had glowed with pride inside. And now… now he felt cold and miserable at the thought of him. From the same chapter: Directly ahead of him, Harry could see the towering beech tree below which his father had once tormented Snape. He was not sure what Sirius could possibly say to him that would make up for what he had seen in the Pensieve, but he was desperate to hear Sirius’s own account of what had happened, to know of any mitigating factors there might have been, any excuse at all for his father’s behavior... He gets none. If Snape and the Marauders had been rivals, then the people who knew Snape would have had something worse to say about him than vague accusations of being into Dark Arts. Even when Snape kills Dumbledore, and it is “proven” that he was never good, nobody has anything concrete to say to make any sense of it. On the contrary: they are all shocked. Here’s Sirius’s analysis of the kind of company Wormtail sought out, in a startlingly rare display of self-awareness: You’d want to be quite sure he was the biggest bully in the playground before you went back to him, wouldn’t you? James has multiple advantages over Snape: He has 3 sidekicks, including a prefect. He’s a rich, popular pureblood. McGonagall, who’s in charge of disciplining him, is known to bend rules when it comes to Quidditch stars. His Quidditch skills make him hard to evade and beat. Dumbledore has already shown that he will let them get away with murder, quite literally. He has an infallible surveillance system of the school and a perfect invisibility cloak. Snape was no match to all of that. Rather than prove that he had “changed”, the fact that James was made Head Boy proves that James set the terms for any encounter between Snape and himself, no matter how many times Lupin says Snape was a special case. The only thing about Snape that was special was that he was an especially easy target, and also, he was friends with Lily, which James really didn't like. Sirius and Lupin admit that their behavior was unacceptable: “I’m not proud of it, ” said Sirius quickly. ] “Did I ever tell you to lay off Snape? ” he [Lupin] said. “Did I ever have the guts to tell you I thought you were out of order? ” “Yeah, well, ” said Sirius, “ you made us feel ashamed of ourselves sometimes... That was something... " Why would Lupin think his friends were out of order, why would he make them feel ashamed of themselves sometimes, if they had been a mutual rivalry, or if they had been defending the school against a deranged psycho, as some like to portray it? Harry is so disgusted by his father's behavior, he does not understand what Lily saw in him: “She started going out with him in seventh year, ” said Lupin. “Once James had deflated his head a bit, ” said Sirius. “And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it, ” said Lupin. “ Even Snape? ” said Harry. “Well, ” said Lupin slowly, “Snape was a special case. I mean, he never lost an opportunity to curse James, so you couldn’t really expect James to take that lying down, could you? ”“And my mum was okay with that? ” “ She didn’t know too much about it, to tell you the truth, ” said Sirius. “I mean, James didn’t take Snape on dates with her and jinx him in front of her, did he? ” Lupin speaks slowly because he’s lying. It’s James who never missed an opportunity, and Snape was expected to take it lying down. James knew he was in the wrong, otherwise, why lie? Since James managed to hide his stunts from Lily, why not from the staff? Given his bragging that he “saved Snape’s life, ” lying to look good to Lily is a pattern. Lupin is a known liar, as proven by the entire plot of POA. James’s two best friends have nothing concrete to say in his defense, except that he “stopped hexing people for fun. ” This is damning with faint praise. The defenses they offer are laughable: “I wouldn’t like you to judge your father on what you saw there, Harry. He was only fifteen — ” “ I’m fifteen! ” said Harry heatedly. Harry knows 15 is old enough to know better. So do the Centaurs: “They brought her here, Ronan, ” replied the centaur who had such a firm grip on Harry. “And they are not so young... He is nearing manhood, this one. ” Moving on: “Look, Harry, ” said Sirius placatingly, “James and Snape hated each other from the moment they set eyes on each other, it was just one of those things, you can understand that, can’t you? I think James was everything Snape wanted to be — he was popular, he was good at Quidditch, good at pretty much everything. And Snape was just this little oddball who was up to his eyes in the Dark Arts and James — whatever else he may have appeared to you, Harry — always hated the Dark Arts. ” “Yeah, ” said Harry, “ but he just attacked Snape for no good reason, just because — well, just because you said you were bored. ” Sirius is either lying or misremembering: we know James and Snape didn’t hate each other from the first moment for no reason, but because James and Sirius antagonized Snape. Also, why would Snape’s supposed jealousy of James contribute to James feeling so inferior compared to Snape, that he’d treat him like that? According to JKR, it was James who was jealous of Snape, over Lily. Given that Sirius is blatantly wrong, there is no reason to believe the Dark Arts had anything to do with it. It reads like an attempt to move the conversation to more comfortable territory, and is extremely hypocritical: James didn’t pretend he was being righteous in real time and neither did Sirius. They set a werewolf loose on Hogsmeade and used an illegal hex (i. e., Dark Magic) on Bertram Aubrey, so James didn't hate the Dark Arts this much; the dichotomy between Dark and legitimate magic reads as arbitrary nonsense at best and self-serving at worst, and I’ll forever maintain that using Scourgify on a person is extremely violent, "Dark" or not. If James had a problem with Snape's brand of magic, why did he use a spell Snape invented? Harry recognizes that this is irrelevant. The defense campaign ends with: “Look, ” he said, “your father was the best friend I [Sirius] ever had, and he was a good person. A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it. ” “ Yeah, okay, ” said Harry heavily. “ I just never thought I’d feel sorry for Snape. ” To me, this reads like: “Look, ” he said, “I am extremely biased and I miss your father and this conversation is making me uncomfortable. Your father was an idiot and eventually he stopped, that’s all I actually have to say in his defense. “ I just never thought I’d feel sorry for the person I hate, who treats me like total shit, my dad was really bad! ” Also, Sirius never grew out of it, and he was OK with it in the first place, so his opinion doesn’t count. At 15, Harry is more mature than him, and he is unconvinced. In one of the last interactions between Snape and Sirius (OOTP:24), Sirius still calls him Snivellus, by calling him “Lucius’s lapdog”, he's possibly suggesting something very unsavory, he’s the first to raise his wand. Harry is the one who tries to defuse the situation. Snape’s behavior is cringe-worthy too, but he is giving Sirius life-saving information: His dog cover’s been blown. He is being protective, in his trademark snarky way. Note that Sirius has yet to apologize for the attempted murder, or for anything else. This isn’t somebody who knows anything about growing up, so his opinion can be dismissed. The same goes for Lupin, who has a lifelong pattern of letting his desire to be accepted get the better of him. To quote JKR, this was relentless bullying. Downplaying, whitewashing, excusing, and blaming the victim for it, is sickening.

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